DigitalX Technology Group

Protected Living

We created an AIoT platform to enhance people’s life with safe and security through smart solutions.
+ Monitor your home 24/7 and react in real-time to all incidents
+ Utilize AI and IoT to auto-identify all abnormal events
+ Completely and smartly protect your home with false alarm reduction technology

Assisted Living

We create an Open-AIoT Platform for Aged Care which consists of 2 pillars:
+ Automate the process to protect seniors in everyday activities
+ Use AI to provide a precise picture of seniors' everyday activities and to make their lives better.

Energy Efficiency

The best solution for energy saving
+ Control energy-saving processes automatically or alert users on energy-wasted activities
+ Auto-identify any energy leaks
+ Utilize AI to develop presets that are used for the home owners' particular daily activities.

Open-AIoT Platform for Home (HaaS or H2X)

Our Open-AIoT Platform for Home (HaaS or Home2Everything - H2X) is the truly 4.0 Smart Home solution where your Home is there to fully serve you. This true All-in-one platform utilises all smart devices, making it easily connects and securely interacts with the H2X Cloud and other connected IoT devices.
Our AIoT platform is highly availability as the system can work even without the Internet connection.






Live Better with our AIoT Awesome Features

It offers smooth connectivity, integrality, and interoperability to facilitate communication, an uninterrupted data flow, device management, as well as system and service customization.

Internet of Things

Our smart devices can serve almost every demands

Deep learning

Your home can recognize and take care of you and your family.


Our edge-AI can detect any potential dangers

Open platform

Monitor your smart devices through a single all-in-one platform powered by AI